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Interviews of, talks by, and articles about Ken Brandt, author of Positive Vision: Enjoying the Adventures and Advantages of Poor Eyesight

IM Talkcast December 19, 2023. Host: Ibrahim Mustapha. Guest: Ken Brandt. Colorful images of IM Talkcast, Ibrahim, Ken, and Positive Vision's bookcover.
Blind and Beyond Radio. March 5, 2023. Host: Michael Golder. Co-Host and Executive Producer: Lynne Golder. Co-Host: Sheila Young. Producer: Chis Shaw. Guest Ken Brandt (19:35-34:52). URL of the podcast. Blue/green background. All the text is bold white, except the line about Ken Brandt, which is bold yellow. In the upper left hand corner is the Blind and Beyond Radio logo, which is a black microphone with a white background.
Ken Brandt’s 1 Dec. 2022 book talk at State University of New York College of Optometry. Photos of Ken giving the talk, presenting a copy of his book to the college’s library and hanging out at SUNY Optometry.  Image of “Positive Vision”’s book cover. Link to watch the book talk.
Link and announcement for Vision Loss Alliance of New Jersey’s VLANJ ARISE interview of Ken Brandt, a motivational speaker and author of the inspiring adventure memoir: “Positive Vision: Enjoying the Adventures and Advantages of Poor Eyesight”. Interviewed by VLANJ’s Linda Groszew. Photo of a smiling mustachioed Ken with green hills in the background.
Corporate Optometry’s logo: light blue eye with the pupil being a globe and the words Corporate Optometry. Book cover of “Positive Vision”. Text: Host Dr Maria Sampalis OD, Guest Ken Brandt, URL of the YouTube interview, in bold yellow and white text, all on a blue/green background.
Text: Relentless and Unstoppable August 3, 2022 – host Doug Kenney, Doug’s coach and mentor Andy McPhee, guest Ken Brandt. URL links to the interview. YouTube image of the three laughing with the subtitle: Ken Brandt’s Funny Story of a Robber Attempting a Robbery. Relentless and Unstopabble’s black and yellow logo. All on a blue/green background.
“The Career Path May 20, 2022 Host: Belinda Wilson, Guest: Ken Brandt” and url of the interview in bold blue, yellow, and white letters. A visual of earphones and the Vision Australia logo saying: Interview Highlights and Vision Australia. All on a blue/green back ground with yellow blue highlights.
"Eyesight Adventures! Interview of March 11, 2022" in bold white on a bold red rectangle. Above is the teamlocum logo and name (grey and red shield with white cross on it, team in grey text, locum in red text), flanked by a photo of three copies of "Positive Vision" by Ken Brandt (yellow, white, blue, image of Ken and text). Below is the interview's URL in white. All on a blue/green background.
Blue-Green background with white and yellow text: Life’s Not Over, It Just Looks Different, February 6, 2022, Host: Christopher (Warner) Gordon, Guest: Ken Brandt, URL to Chris’s YouTube interview of Ken. Photo of host Christopher, a balding middle-aged man, smiling broadly, wearing a blue t-shirt with white lettering that says: “I’m on this planet for FUN!” and holding a copy of his book “Life’s Not Over, It Just Looks Different”.
Blue/green background. Lots of images. Boy and girl in a yellow circle, each with a light bulb idea bubble. Red, white and blue Startup Secrets Show for Engrepreneurs logo. Headshot photo of host John North (middle aged white male, medium length brown hair, black shirt). Headshot photo of guest Ken Brandt (older white male, white mustache and hair, balding). Orange and white rocket ship bursting through white clouds toward space. The blue, green, yellow cover of Ken’s book “Positive Vision: Enjoying the Adventures and Advantages of Poor Eyesight”. Two text boxes. One dark blue with white text saying the interview’s title: “Enjoying the Adventures and Advantages of Poor Eyesight”. The other: lighter blue with black text saying January 30, 2022 and the interview’s URL.
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Blue/green background. In the upper left hand corner is the Bold Blind Radio logo, which is a black microphone with a white background. The text says. Blind and Beyond Radio. December 5, 2021. Host: Michael Golder. Co-Hosts: Lynne Golder, Gary Sinclair. Producer: Chis Shaw. Guest Ken Brandt (starting at 27:27). URL of the podcast. All the text is bold white, except the line about Ken Brandt, which is bold yellow.
Blue/green background. On the upper left a white rectangle with black and blue lettering saying: AT Banter Podcast, Episode 264 Ken Brandt, three grey microphones, and a color photo of Ken Brandt (smiling white male, balding, grey hair and mustache, holding his first pair of glasses). Center white text: AT Banter Podcast, November 25, 2021, Hosts: Rob Mineault, Ryan Fluery, Steve Barclay and Lis Malone. Yellow text: Guest: Ken Brandt. White text: URL link to the interview.
A blue/green background. 4 Colorful logos in the upper left, all with white text: enhanced vision (green background), Freedom Scientific (red background), Optelec (dark blue background), and Schweizer (light blue background). Text, center and bottom: Ask the Expert, November 23, 2021, Host: Mark Stratham (all white text), Guest: Ken Brandt (yellow text), the URL for the YouTube video of the interview (white text).
Two images: Blind and Beyond Radio’s logo, and photo of a Halloween pumpkin.  Text: Blind and Beyond Radio, October 31, 2021. Host: Michael Golder. Co-Hosts: Lynne Golder, Charles Brooks. Guests: Ken Brandt (Starting at 19:30), J.Anthony Brown. URL of the podcast.
Beyond Sight’s October 2021 magazine cover featuring a photo of a smiling Ken Brandt with vegetation covered mountains in the background, and the words “Positive Vision: Presenting Ken Brandt”. In addition to the magazine cover there is text: saying the same thing; mentioning that there is a video by Ken Brandt, an article and transcript; plus the URL link.
Curveball’s Living the Dream logo, which is a very cool image of a curveball flying out of a microphone. Living the Dream! October 20, 2021. Host: Curveball. Guest: Ken Brandt. URL of the podcast.
Text is white and yellow on a blue-green background.  New Horizons Radio October 5, 2021 Positive Vision Host: Vaughn Bennison Guest: Ken Brandt. URL link to the podcast. Blind Citizens Australia's logo.
Images: book cover of Positive Vision: Enjoying the Adventures and Advantages of Poor Eyesight, photo of book designer Judy Brandt and author Ken Brandt dressed for a New Orleans jazz style parade to help the the hungry and homeless, Vision Science Australia's "Ken Brandt is BACK" poster. Text: Ken is BACK! Sept. 1, 2021
Review Tales - Rapid Fire Interview of Ken Brandt - August 15, 2021 - 2 photos of Ken, one playing trumpet, one holding his very first pair of glasses - URL to interview.
Dr. Connect logo, then text: Mindset and Wellness August 2, 2021  Host: Liudmila Schafer, MD  Guests: Dr. Dolores Fazzino, Dan Gosling "The Chopsaver Guy" and starting at 31:47 Ken Brandt. URL link to the video.
Judy Brandt and Ken Brandt just before Ken leads a New Orleans style jazz parade (Judy with "2nd line" hat and parasol, Ken with top hat and trumpet, both with a red musical note face painted onto their right check by Judy).
Image: the Blind Blogger, What's Your Excuse logo - a black outline of a blind man with a hat holding a white cane standing in front of a blue and green image of the earth. Text: The Blind Blogger, May 13 / Dec. 23/24, 2021, Host: Maxwell Ivey, Guest: Ken Brandt, URL of the interview on the Blind Blogger websitge. Text is white or yellow. Background is blue/green.
Diabolic Shrimp "The least professional alk show on the Internet". April 20, 2021. Host: Josh Grant. Guest: Ken Brandt. Diabolic Shrimp's logo and link to the interview.
Link to Billion Success's January 31, 2021 interview of Ken Brandt. Image includes Billion Success's logo and URL.
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Positive Vision - Vision Australia Radio - Studio 1 - Matthew Layton interviews "Indiana Jones ?!?" (Ken Brandt)
BCA New Horizons New Member Forum 2020-1
Relentless and Unstoppable November 2, 2020 Photos of host, co-host, and guest: Doug Kenney, Andy McPhee, and Ken Brandt. URL link to interview.
Image: VI Talk's colorful (blue, white, red, yellow) logo. Text: VI Talk Podcast, September 21, 2020, Host: Jo Fishwick, Guest: Ken Brandt, link to podcast.
Vision Science Academy Interview September 18, 2020
VSA Trailer September 10, 2020. Coming Soon: Ken Brandt – American-Australian author of the upcoming book “Positive Vision” speaks to Vision Science Academy.  This is a promo of Ken Brandt’s exclusive interview with VSA’s US Training Manager Sepideh Heydar Zadeh on Vision Science TV is scheduled to premier on 18th September, 12pm (BST)
Curveball chats with his guest Ken Brandt on Curveball's Living the Dream podcast of September 8, 2020. Curveball's logo is very cool: A baseball flying out of a microphone in curve pattern. A link to the podcast is also shown.
Blind and Beyond Radio show September 6, 2020. Host: Michael Golder. Co-Hosts: Lynne Golder, Gary Sinclair. Producer Chris Shaw. Guest: Ken Brandt (starting at 18:30). URL link to the podcast.
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